Qmail For Dummies
What's QFD ???
Qmail for dummies :)
Well , QFD is a quick install of qmail for setting up a mail server in less than 2 mins .....
The installation of a mail server is quite a cumbersome process involving installation of a good number of packages. QFD simplifies all ur work by installing these packages for u. So, basically after installing QFD u have qmail, web based email and web based mail administration set up for u.
So what MAIN packages r installed?
Startup and shutdown of qmail
Tcp server
Handles virtual domains
Squirrel Mail
Web based email
Omail Admin
Web based mail Adminstration
How do i install QFD ?
1) tar -zxvf qfd-<version>.tar.gz
2) cd qfd-<version>
3) ./qfd
4) qfdadddomain
     (Enter the domain name, admin user and password as prompted)
Thats it!! open ur browser and point it to
http://localhost/mail/ for web based email
http://localhost/mailadmin/ for web based mail adminstration - password is the admin user password that u had created during qfdadddomain
How do i uninstall QFD ?
./qfd clean
Project url : http://sourceforge.net/projects/qfd
Latest release : Qfd-1.0.2 STABLE Download it!!
Vinay Ramdas Freelance programmer (vinay at vinay dot in)
Mitul Limbani Linux adminstrator (mitul at mitul dot com)